
Bruno Lowagie lives and works in Ghent, Belgium. In a previous life, he was an open-source developer and entrepreneur. After selling his business, he started a career as an author. Initially writing for Dutch and Flemish audiences, he began translating his work into English in 2024.

Books, anthologies, magazines

Bruno published several books, including two "iText in Action" books for Manning Publications, and his self-published non-fiction books "Entreprenerd" and "Nijlpaard voor Kerstmis". Several of his short stories are published in anthologies released by publishers such as Godijn Publishing, LetterRijn, Poespa Producties. His stories also feature in magazines such as Weirdo's, Portulaan, Spaceports & Spidersilk, and so on. Read more...


Bruno won several business awards, such as the Belgian edition of Deloitte's Technology Fast50, a JavaOne Rockstar Award, and the BelCham Entrepreneurship Awards. He also won first prizes in writing contests, such as the Gorcumse Literatuurprijs (2019, Gorinchem, The Netherlands), the Gerard Vermeerschprijs (2022, Ypres, Belgium), and the Thé Tjong-Khing schrijfwedstrijd (2023, Haarlem, The Nederlands). Read more...

Short Story Management System (SSMS)

Bruno Lowagie created Folio, an SSMS to keep track of his stories and submissions. It's similar to The Grinder, but it also allows him to store the content of his stories as a Word document, and to share information with third parties about:

In Folio, every title is attributed a unique identification code consisting of three parts:

These numbers are used to identify stories in the overview, especially where the title is obfuscated.